Sunday, July 15, 2012

Welcome to my Fitness Blog!

Hello Friends and Family!

I am excited you have decided to read my blog, even if you don't get past this first post. I want to add a disclaimer here that this blog will be real life. I am hoping it will be a success story, but I make no guarantees. I simply plan on posting once a week about my health and fitness centered activities in order to publicly track my efforts to be as healthy and happy as possible. I am feeling pretty pumped lately to get in better shape, so this should be exciting!

I want to point out that even though one of the stats I will be recording on this blog is my weight loss, I personally do not believe that weight is a very good indicator of fitness and health. I have done my research on "healthy weight." I have talked to the doctors about weight before. I know all about the Body Mass Index and all those fancy tools that can help you determine your health level, and I can honestly say that I think all that is a big fat load of crap. I am on a college athletic team. I have run half marathons. I generally eat healthier than a lot of my friends. Despite this fact, I have been between 20 to 30 pounds "overweight" my whole life. The closest I have ever been to being "at a healthy weight" is after I had a relatively short but intense episode of depression at age 19. I ate next to nothing, and I had a hard time dragging myself out of bed to do anything active. That is not healthy, and I don't want to be "at a healthy weight" again if that is the cost. I want to be healthy.

Healthy, to me, is about  being fit enough to excel at the activities that I enjoy doing. It involves eating right and exercising every day. Health is not about looking how the world tells me I ought to; health is about me loving me, physically and mentally. That is my goal for this fitness adventure I am embarking on. I know I am out of shape right now, but hopefully this blog will motivate you and me to get fit in a way that is fulfilling to us personally.

For anyone that recently decided to go on your own personal fitness campaign, I want to invite you to not measure your success by how your numbers are adding up, but instead measure your success by how you feel. Notice how much more energy you have, how much more confidence you have, how much better you are at the activities you enjoy. As we do this, I hope we can learn to love ourselves no matter what we look like, because we are all truly beautiful in our own special way, no matter what the scale tells us.

So to all my friends out there, I just want to say 加油! Add oil, friends, and lets get the fitness fire burning!

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